Saturday, January 28, 2012

Write Relevant Post With Effective Content

Create not write - Post

Create  some post should be relevant with the topic of blog. Focus in one topic to write. We need attractive contents to get people’s attention. Effective blog posts having content to be understood, remembered and shared.

Simplicity post writing is important key. People read blog posts word by word and don't like scrolling down the page and rarely reach the end of blog post. So, writing  post should keep the word count as low as possible, use definite, specific and concrete language.

Employ scannable text to make your visitors stick to your content for longer than few seconds. Add this unit :

Internal links, clicking links remains to blog posts helps get people stay longer and introduces them to your content archive. 
Paragraphs, readers are reluctant to tackle large blocks of text, do not write single sentences as a paragraph or as too many short paragraphs. 
Idea per paragraph, focus on one point per paragraph. Readers skip over additional ideas in a paragraph if they are not attracted by the first few words. 
Subheadings, splitting paragraphs with keyword-rich subheadings. 
Multimedia, adding images, videos and other multimedia elements. 
Highlight, use typeface writing variations and color to make them more eye-catching.
Lists, to easier reading, use format parts of content into bulleted or numbered lists.
Contextual callouts, made specific and relevant links at the end of the post to offer more information topic.

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