Saturday, January 28, 2012

Adding Keywords Tag

Meta Tag Keywords

Describe the main topics of blog with the smart keywords, this keywords are high traffic targeted words that define blog content. Using the most competitive keywords is unnecessary, but  choose a few smart keywords  may reflect the overall content of your blog and will effect to the further of search engine listing.

Google keyword Tool, can help in choosing the right keywords. The best tip is to use similar keywords as used by your competitors. Press Ctrl + U to open the source file while you are on competitor blog.  Through this source file we can easily see what keywords and descriptions is using.
Keyword usually have maximum of three words and separate by a comma. See my keywords as an example, 911,911 code,911 code blog,code blog help,blog help,help,build better blog,better blog,build blog,build from zero,reach money home,reach money,money home,home blog.

keyword meta tag
Adding keyword meta tag on HTML code website

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